Radio Advertising: Your Christmas Must Have

Radio Advertising: Your Christmas Must Have 2

Why you should be incorporating radio into your marketing campaign this holiday season. Connect with your audience in a unique and powerful way.

Explore why radio remains a valuable tool for boosting your brand's visibility and impact across the festive season and beyond.


Radio is targeted so YOU can reach the right audience at the right time

Radio is the most flexible medium within your marketing mix. Research conducted by Radiocentre around the targeting capabilities of different media placed radio at the top of the list as the most flexible medium due to its ability to target audiences in a whole host of ways including, Demographically, Geographically, Time of day/week and in a consumer context (School run, work etc.)


Radio advertising can reach a new audience

With commercial radio seamlessly embracing 90% of the UK population, picture reaching out to a fresh audience when they least anticipate it – during their daily hustle and bustle. It's the perfect moment to infuse the airwaves with the contagious thrill of the festive season. Whether they're commuting to work, dropping off the kids at school, or casually browsing the internet, let's make sure the excitement of the holidays finds them in the most unexpected yet delightful ways!


Radio ads are cost-effective with a quick turnaround

Industry research demonstrates the effectiveness of radio across a whole range of metrics. These include:

  • Return on investment– Radio produces £7.70 ROI for every £1 spent, this is second only to TV overall. (Radiocentre)
  • Brand fame– Listeners are 48% more aware of companies that have advertised on the radio and 12% more likely to consider them when making a choice. (Radiocentre)
  • Building trust and relevance– Research has revealed that radio is two times more trustworthy than social media. (Radiocentre)
  • Radio increases online response – A new study has highlighted how allocating just 10% of a media budget to radio boosts brand browsing by 52%. (Radiocentre)


Combine radio advertising with digital to boost your Christmas campaign

Allocating just 10% of a media budget to radio boosts online browsing by up to 52%. (Radiocentre) present as an image in “ “

Running a radio advertising campaign alongside targeted social ads or a PPC campaign can boost brand awareness. In turn, this will help build recognition amongst a whole new audience.

Consumers often interact with one business across multiple touchpoints before they make a decision. Your potential customer may see an ad on Facebook and then hear a correlating ad on XS Manchester that same day. By using multiple touch points customers instantly recognise and remember your brand name.

Your campaign with targeted ads work together to create an impression in the mind of the potential listener, so when they come to making a decision, they go with the business they feel most familiar with. Not only will building brand awareness help boost brand recall but it can also encourage repeat visits to a website in the future.

If you want to find out more about a radio advertising campaign for the peak Christmas trading period, speak to one of the team here. Listen to a 2 minute overview of our Christmas Insight here

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