Radio in a lockdown
March 23, 2020

The familiarity of the regular voices and advertising on radio instil a sense of normality to the panic, calming and even uplifting the population who are largely working from home. So, whether it is a few laughs, some uplifting news or a living room boogie we’ve got your back.
According to Ofcom, when radio is taken away for a day, listeners really missed its presence. Listeners referred to radio being like the missing friends in the room, and how it almost drives their daily routine. Radio is the soundtrack to our commute, our workday and even our lazy weekends. It is such an accessible medium that sometimes we almost take it for granted.
The UK is lucky to have so much media at its disposal at both national and local level. All of these are paying a very important part in keeping the public informed at this difficult time. It is invaluable to see how radio is broadcasting accurate and trustworthy news in a time of uncertainty.
The medium provides clear, direct and most importantly factual news. It is positioned to pivot immediately, to be sensitive to world and local events, during an international crisis, this is almost invaluable. The medium is a proven to be trusted by audiences nationwide, it is valued as a safe space to find out exactly what is going on without any contrasting or conflicting opinion.
With the current Coronavirus outbreak, radio is ensuring audiences are hearing regular new updates from professional journalists but also allowing advertisers to alter there messaging to adapt to the current climate. Businesses are changing messages to reflect closures, to let people know they can help or even shouting that it is business as usual. Radio has the advantages of live reads, quick copy changes and pre-recorded commercials, giving it a unique edge of time reactivity to what is going on in the world.
Just because the streets are quiet, it does not mean that advertising should stop. Relationships are more important than ever; businesses need to communicate frequently. With the world changing daily it has never been so important to keep your customers connected, remaining proactive and offering help makes them become trusted advisors to their customers and changing messaging frequently to reflect the present reality can keep audiences engaged and informed on the facts and not gossip.
So, in terms of advertising, it really does echo a good old wartime ethos, keep calm and carry on.
Grab a cuppa and listen live with us.