Christmas In Your Community

Written by CommunicorpUK | Nov 23, 2018 3:06:18 PM

How would you feel if you had to send your child to school having had no breakfast? For some parents, they face this issue every day. Last year, over 484,000 children received emergency food supplies from their local Food Bank.  


At CCUK, we're radio people who make a difference and we are passionate about giving back to the communities we broadcast to. In the last five years, the amount of three-day emergency food supplies given to people in crisis has risen from 346,992 to 1,332,952 in the UK with low income as the biggest single, and fastest growing reason for referral to a foodbank. This is why we've teamed up with Booths to make Christmas special to people in the North West. 


As part of the project, we visited Blackpool Food Bank. The team spoke to us about the people who use the centre and where the food goes to. Catherine Kelly, SPD Account Manager, said: "The alarming numbers they shared about children going without Breakfast due to situations they have no control over stuck with me. What's frightening, is that the numbers are increasing at an alarming rate."


"So, with that, we came back to the office and asked for donations from the Head Office and they didn't disappoint. I went back to the Food Bank, took what we had collected and the team were overwhelmed with our generosity."



"We really have made a difference to our community and thanks to us, there will be some full bellies at breakfast time."


And we haven't stopped there. Our North West Culture Champions are continuing to get behind the Christmas In Your Community campaign by running another Food Bank donation day asking the North West office to donate whatever they can on the day and help their local families out. 


Christmas is a special time of year, it's much more than presents, gifts and great food. No one should have to worry about not being able to feed their children on any day of the year, especially Christmas.



Millions of less privileged people don't get to enjoy the roast turkey, glazed ham, wine or simply some toothpaste to freshen up. With Christmas In Your Community, you can also give back and donate to help someone who needs it this festive season. 


You can help Smooth North West and Booths make someone's Christmas this year and join in our Christmas In Your Community appeal. All over the North West, Booths stores are filled with food banks and your kind donations will help put a smile on the face and food in the belly of someone who is less fortunate. To get involved, you can pop into your local Booths store, buy two items of food, donate one and you could make someone's Christmas. 


The Christmas In Your Community appeal is partnering with some incredible organisations across the UK. Donations big or small will make a huge difference. Whether you pop in a tin of biscuits or a bottle of shampoo, it really will help someone this Christmas. 


To donate, simply pop in to your local Booths store and pop your donation in the food bank.